// Load the Google Drive API gapi.load('client', initClient); function initClient() { gapi.client.init({ apiKey: 'dcbe46af5cc34d075c55aed84ab7a0e98bc1e88c', discoveryDocs: ['https://www.googleapis.com/discovery/v1/apis/drive/v3/rest'], }).then(function () { console.log('Google Drive API loaded'); }); } function searchWarranty() { var companyName = document.getElementById("companyName").value; var serialNumber = document.getElementById("serialNumber").value; // Use the Google Drive API to search for the file and retrieve data gapi.client.drive.files.get({ fileId: 'YOUR_FILE_ID', fields: 'name, webViewLink' }).then(function(response) { var file = response.result; var warrantyDetails = "Warranty details not found."; if (file) { // Use the file's webViewLink to access the file content var fileLink = file.webViewLink; // You need to implement code to fetch data from the file using the link // For example, you can use fetch() or other methods to access the file content // Replace the following lines with your actual implementation // In this example, we assume the file contains data in a specific format // and we parse it to find the warranty details if (fileLink.includes('example-document')) { // Parse the file content to find the warranty details // This is a simplified example, and you should adapt it to your file's format var fileContent = "Company Name,Serial Number,Warranty\nExample Company,12345,2 years warranty"; var rows = fileContent.split('\n'); for (var i = 1; i < rows.length; i++) { var columns = rows[i].split(','); if (columns[0] === companyName && columns[1] === serialNumber) { warrantyDetails = columns[2]; break; } } } } document.getElementById("result").innerHTML = warrantyDetails; }); }
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Guru Nanak Computers:


In Operations since December 2014, we at Guru Nanak Computers are dedicated to provide excelence in service. Completely Customer Centered. Since last 6 years we have achieved numerous progress in our Service and Sales section and increased our Portfolio from 5 brands to more than 500 brands. 

Started as local store at new Cg Road, Ahmedabad, we began our operations in IT service through Desktop repairing and consumables sales, as we grew we undertook Laptop services, Laptop Fabrications, Printer Repairing and service, sales of all IT goods, Laptops, Computers, Printers, Security solutions, Survelance, and Spare parts. 
Currently We are Serving entire Ahmedabad through our Outlets and online store. 

At Guru Nanak Computers, one thing that you can be sure of is to get the service you deserve. Our charges might seem little higher at certain times and we agree to that; however, there is always a price for best quality service and we think that every person deserves best service when you can pay a little more and get a piece of mind that you know that if anything goes side ways, there is a store available for you anytime anywhere. 

We have a great team of IT experts each individual expert in their work ranging from complete Motherboard and BGA works to minor software works. At Guru Nanak Computers we believe in Word Mouth Publicity more than any other marketing tactics, so if you are here and if you are recommended by any of our customers, I am sure you would have received postive information about us.

Looking forwared to serve you and add you to our customer list. we are sure once you receive service from us, you would recommend us to your friends and contacts.  :)

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