// Load the Google Drive API gapi.load('client', initClient); function initClient() { gapi.client.init({ apiKey: 'dcbe46af5cc34d075c55aed84ab7a0e98bc1e88c', discoveryDocs: ['https://www.googleapis.com/discovery/v1/apis/drive/v3/rest'], }).then(function () { console.log('Google Drive API loaded'); }); } function searchWarranty() { var companyName = document.getElementById("companyName").value; var serialNumber = document.getElementById("serialNumber").value; // Use the Google Drive API to search for the file and retrieve data gapi.client.drive.files.get({ fileId: 'YOUR_FILE_ID', fields: 'name, webViewLink' }).then(function(response) { var file = response.result; var warrantyDetails = "Warranty details not found."; if (file) { // Use the file's webViewLink to access the file content var fileLink = file.webViewLink; // You need to implement code to fetch data from the file using the link // For example, you can use fetch() or other methods to access the file content // Replace the following lines with your actual implementation // In this example, we assume the file contains data in a specific format // and we parse it to find the warranty details if (fileLink.includes('example-document')) { // Parse the file content to find the warranty details // This is a simplified example, and you should adapt it to your file's format var fileContent = "Company Name,Serial Number,Warranty\nExample Company,12345,2 years warranty"; var rows = fileContent.split('\n'); for (var i = 1; i < rows.length; i++) { var columns = rows[i].split(','); if (columns[0] === companyName && columns[1] === serialNumber) { warrantyDetails = columns[2]; break; } } } } document.getElementById("result").innerHTML = warrantyDetails; }); }
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Terms & Conditions:

Privacy Policy :

All your data available with us is strictly used for customer KYC and no data is shared with any person or organization at any time. Data can be shared with law enforcement authorities on request of government.

Purchase and Finance Policies:

KYC must for purchasing products that includes name, contact number and address along with pin code. 
For any finance Aadhar is mandatory for purchase. 
Finance approval is based on certain credit checks, hence check your eligibility first before applying for Finance Schemes.
For EMI options, a Downpayment and number of cheques equal to number of EMIs is must. 
Verfication will be done at communication or permanent address before approval of Finance. 

EMI Credit limit can be used to purchase anything from store, that includes new products, refurbished products, consumables, etc but not on service. No EMI option available on Service of any Machine

Warranty Policy:

Warranty is directly through Manufacturer, if manufacturer denies warranty, then warranty can be claimed through one of our stores; however, the transport cost needed for warranty claim will be paid by customer. 

There is no warranty on service. Hence check your device before delivery. No warranty or claim shall be entertained after delivery of serviced goods. 

For goods placed under service which are more than 4 years old, company shall not take any responsibility for any damages that occur during servicing, because after couple of years, the laptop parts gets roused and hence no responsibility can be taken for such old parts. 

No warranty on consumables parts like cables, adapters, patch cords,etc. 

Warranty as directed by Manufacturers.

Delivery Policy:

Delivery within Ahmedabad will be done within 3 working days; however, customers in ahmedabad can collect goods at any store within 24 hours, in case of emergency or rush.

Customer needs to ensure the goods at the time of delivery. Goods cannot be taken back after delivery if they are not in proper condition. 

There is no charge for Delivery for entire Ahmedabad;however, In case of delivery outside service zone, customer needs to bear transportation cost.

For Fabrication, minor patches will be visible from the broken parts. Ensure to check everything at the time of Delivery.

Available options for delivery:

For Goods and Parts - at home and collect at store
For Service - Collect at store Only.(extra charges for at home service delivery)

Return and Refund Policy:


No returns until goods are not working. For damage please check at the time of delivery, if found any damages during delivery, simply deny the delivery and the amount will be refunded back to you.

If Goods are not working, return order can be placed within 3 working days. After 3 working days, product can be changed at warranty centers only. 





Refunds will take approximately 7 working days in case of return order. 

No refunds for service of item.

In case payment made on online gateway, refunds can take up to 10 working days.

Offers Policy:

Store has the right to provide special and exclusive offers for existing customers. 

Offers are subject to availability of stock. Once the stock cleared, same offer may or may not apply. 

Store has the right to change the offers anytime without any prior notice. 

Payment Policy:

Available options are below for making payment:

Cash on delivery
Online Payment through checkout during order process
Google pay at store contact number after consulting and raising payment ticket only. 
Bank Transfer via IMPS or NEFT

For Sales - Full payment Advance or at the time of delivery.
For service - Slot booking advance amount - repair cost after delivery.

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